Very simply, either you are an American or you are not.We are not a nation of white-Americans, African-Americans,Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans etc. . . We are the Nation of Americans. We are not Hyphenated!
Hyphenating us is not a method of lifting up any individual. It is nothing more than pure segregation. The so called "powers that be" or those who seek power are scared to death of us. That's us , We the People. They are scared of us being one, of being united. Separating us and labeling us as different kinds of Americans is an attempt to keep us from being united, so that we ill tear each other apart. Class warfare, gender warfare, race baiting, these are the things that "they" (those who claim to be seeking a socialist utopia) are trying to keep alive. To create chaos and unrest is the goal so that they can be at the ready to step in and save the day. . . To save us from ourselves.
If we stand together our strength is undeniable and unstoppable. If they succeed in keeping us apart we are done as a people. . . We will become slaves.
After the Convention a woman asked Ben Franklyn, "Sir wat have you given us?" He replied. "A Republic ma'am, if you can keep it."
That is our duty. That is just one of our responsibilities that we need to take in order to preserve our rights our freedom and our country
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